I'm sure you all know that I love you all, that I would and will do anything for you. I am always here for you and have done many kind deeds for you in the past. Remember when I may have helped you shuttle your earthly belongings from one crappy apartment to the next. Never forget all I have done for you, and all that I do now for the poor children of Georgia, and their dreams to learn English so they can read People Magazine online. I am truly a humanitarian. A humanitarian who eats a very limited diet and longs for the comforts of home.
Care packages are greatly appreciated. Every week I watch as fellow volunteers open packages from home. Sometimes it is cookies or warm socks or new books and movies. "It must be very nice to receive things from home," I think to myself as I shuttle off empty handed from the Peace Corps mail room, crying softly to myself. Volunteer Thai-Lyn's mother loves her. Volunteer Paige Weldon's friends care enough to send BBQ sauce. And volunteer Tom Schreiber has people who want him happily watching the Arrested Development DVD's.
Perhaps this has struck a nerve? Do not be overwhelmed by guilt. Just keep reading...
Packages can be sent to me at:
Ryan Nickum, PCV
C/O Peace Corps Georgia
110b Burdzgla Street,
Tbilisi, 1094
Republic of Georgia
Things I would be eternally grateful for...
FOOD: Any Asian/Mexican/Indian seasonings (Thai curry paste, Indian seasoning, teriyaki sauce, etc), BBQ SAUCE, taco/fajita seasoning packets, nutter butters, instant hummus, hot sauce, CHIPOTLE SAUCE, red rooster chinese chili sauce, COFFEE, starburst, skittles, hot tamales, INDIAN PICKLE, etc. But I would love to receive anything.
BOOKS: Anything you've recently read you think I might enjoy--Travel books related to my region, any history/travel book about Eastern Europe, Greece, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, etc. Any bit of fiction, especially quirky or funny. Also, any books my students might find interesting, particularly Harry Potter, simple biographies about people who beat the odds and achieved success, Where the Wild Things Are, any Roald Dahl or related books. Basically anything one would find on the Island School book shelves.
DVDS: Anything you're tired of watching, particularly comedies, foreign flicks, animated flicks (for my students of course), Peter Pan, etc.
CD'S: Whatever the kids are listening to. I don't want to lose my coolness over here. My students are already in awe of me and my hip American style. I don't want that to wane (actually I'm the clumsy guy with glasses and chalk on his pants who struggles to understand their most basic questions). But keep me up on the latest music. Send me a mix CD. And I think I might even like opera.
Anyone who answers this call to service (just as I heroically answered Peace Corps call) will be blessed with much good karma and I will buy you a beer when I come home.